I had 20 Brandywine tomatoes, an heirloom variety, but a few got smooshed. They are growing quickly!

I broke down and purchased a growlight...at least I got a good deal by getting it used from a friend.:)

In all, I have almost 200 starts going right now. We've started working the ground and some leeks and potatoes I ordered are here and needing to be planted shortly. There is also a small herb bed with some lavender, sage, rosemary and thyme planted with room for a few more kitchen herbs.
Everything is coming along, yet all I see is the mountain that must be climbed in order to get it all done. Seems daunting sometimes. Today was a big work day...
we got the bees hived today! I'm nervously waiting for morning to see if they're doing ok.
We'll get some pics posted of that shortly, it's been quite a learning experience. I've decided to utilize this blog more for the projects we're doing to work towards a more sustainable existence. Recipes to be included....:)
Yay! You got your bees! I'm so excited for you :)
You are one of the most passionate breathing beings I know of. Congrats on the bees and looking forward to more on the plants.
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