Saturday, April 12, 2008


We've not only been getting more garden in this last week, but also collecting a few wild edibles.
The violets seemed to carpet the hill almost overnight...

we took advantage and sprinkled some onto salad. My favorite way to use violets is by glazing them with egg whites, sprinkling sugar on and drying. They save in the freezer and look amazing atop cakes and in salads.

Don't these look luscious?
Sierra helped...
A couple days ago we were all about the dandelions. Chopped greens in salad and I even harvested some root for future use.

My girl also helped plant the onions, garlic and potatoes this week, she's one of my constant gardeners.:)

We had some passerby friends, a wee butterfly..

..a garden kitty named Bella. She loves to follow me and rub against my backside while I'm digging in earth.

This wee caterpillar was saved while cleaning brush. I think it makes an amazingly graceful circle, cradled gently on a leaf.

There are many of these willing helpers...

..yeah, we grow 'em big in Tennessee! Happy digging everyone...spring is grand.


rupestur said...

Such a beautiful post! We've got some big flower boxes outside that we've been digging in. Rowan's been enchanted by the roly polies :D

Ren Allen said...

I remember Trevor at that age, being so enamored with roly-polies that he would see them in the carpet.:)

He would shout "wook a tago bug" (potato bug) very loudly. We had a few alligators living in the carpet too as I remember it.

Lisa said...

Your violets look lovely! I was just in Tennessee and Kentucky last week and I just couldn't quit taking pictures of the violets. I had forgotten how much I missed them. I had also forgotten that they are edible.

Your post is a wonderful reminder of the joys of spring in the Southeast. Thanks!