Monday, September 22, 2008

The garden slows

The color of the month is green. Lots of peppers, a lone watermelon and even some fried green tomatoes. I feel like a true southerner now! They are total yum by the way....

The lonely little watermelon was a volunteer that sprouted up in the herb garden. We basically ignored it, so I'm surprised we got anything at all. But it was fun to have at least one watermelon after Scott's (aka; Jalen) wonderful first experience with them last summer.

There is some okra and corn still coming on, just a few corn plants that we MAY get a few ears from if the weather holds. They're mostly just for decoration. The swiss chard never stops. That stuff is amazing and so versatile. We're getting ready to clean things up and plant more lettuces and greens.

Tomatoes keep coming but are looking pretty straggly at this point. There's been a lot of learning and more planning for next season. The garden is the never-ending story.:)

1 comment:

Heidi Snavley said...

That walermelong looks delics!!