Saturday, December 05, 2009

December 4: Book

December 4 Book. What book - fiction or non - touched you? Where were you when you read it? Have you bought and given away multiple copies?

Last year, I was sitting outside of Malaprops waiting for friends. It was post-Live and Learn conference and we were hanging out with people, wandering Asheville and having fun. I sat in front, pondering some deep things about life and relationships and other unmentionable things when I looked straight into the front window of the book store.

There it was. Patti Digh's "Life is a Verb" on display right up front. The cover was artful and everything I thought it would be. I had read her lovely blog for a while and knew there was a book coming, but something about the timing and seeing it there in front of me was like a very loud message to my heart.

I sat in front of Malaprops and started to cry. It was bringing up all these feelings about my own writing and having ignored too many dreams for too long. It was a wake-up call before I even opened a page.

Later, Patti came to our ARGH gathering at Roan Mountain in March and I finally bought the book. It's full of wisdom and inspiration, art and colorful, heartfelt stories. After her reading and signing at Roan mountain I came home and blogged about things it stirred up.

I've purchased copies for two of my sisters and one for a stranger. I don't know who that stranger is and I'll probably never know....I just asked the folks at Malaprops to give it to the next person who asked about her book. I hope they love it as much as I do.:) I've got more copies to give away, it's just that kind of book.


Madeline Rains said...

This book was a big one for me this year too, thanks to you getting Patti Digh to ARGH. I love the idea of paying for the book anonomously. Inspiring me again, Ren.

megg said...


I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I followed you here this morning and I have loved reading through some of your recent posts. It's a pleasure to meet you!

P.S. Patti's book has been huge for me this year too. You know, I had never read her blog, but the book found me exactly when I needed it too!

Terri said...

How lovely,Ren!
And what a thoughtful thing to do.I've never heard of the book or the author but look forward to exploring her blog.
Very happy to see that you found time to add to yours~ it inspires me!
many thanks,

Brandie @ Home Cooking Memories said...

This is one book I've always been meaning to buy....I think I need to bump it up on my list. (and I love your story about finding it)