Saturday, February 02, 2008

Baking some art

Tadah! Yes, I made a birthday cake. No, it was not from a box mix, it was from scratch. In fact, I used the Chocolate Joy recipe from this cookbook I inherited from my mother.

That's an original Betty Crocker cookbook from the 1961, complete with the goody-two-shoes advice for the oh-so-proper wife/mom of the times. Interesting stuff that.

Ok, I didn't really make the whole cake. I had a wee helper in the form of a birthday boy who turned seven today.

He frosted it with intense concentration, topped it with some lovely skittle candy and lit it up!

It was a lovely cake.

Betcha thought that was my "thing-a-day" huh? Fooled you. I really did some art this time!

I made some ATC's for Jalen's birthday and then had so much fun I made a few extra, even some Valentine versions to give away.

The top three are the Valentine theme, second row is silver tissue and the bottom row are random happy colors. All are encaustic art (which is just a fancy was to say "crayon melt" in this case):)

Swirly pinks and reds

My favorite; "What's love got to do with it?"
Can you tell what kind of mood I'm in? Maybe I should have added some black. ;)


kelli said...

Those are great Ren. We're planning on doing some V-day ATCs when we get home, we're in Minneapolis this weekend.

Have I told you about our "what's love got to do with it" story? I'll have to share it with you sometime if I haven't *g*.

Deanne said...

Cool! I like how you incorporated the silver tissue. We have some silver leaf I'm going to have to try and use now.

Happy birth-day to you and Jalen!

Cid said...

ooooh, I'm inspired to try some fancy crayon melting of my own :) I agree....what's love got to do with it!!

Happy Birthday Jalen!!