Some oatmeal, raisin cookies (specifically, "vanishing oatmeal raisin cookies" from the Quaker oatmeal box. Thanks to La for inspiring that one) except I used Flax seed gel instead of eggs.
Flax seed gel makes a GREAT egg replacement and you can store the seeds for a very long time. You simply boil some seeds in water for a few minutes and it's instant goo.;)

...and a large pot of minestrone soup. All I could think while cutting up the miserable turnips from the grocery store, is how happy I'll be to use the veggies from my garden this summer.
Insert big, fat sigh here....

Lastly, I wrote in a journal. One of the many journals. I really wanted to write something about my Mom, since her death anniversary was on the 4th. But I didn't. I wrote while sitting at the park with Jalen and Sierra, on our way to run some errands for Trevor who left town yesterday. I already miss him.
He had his first Greyhound bus experience, but made it there safely in spite of the interesting people at the Johnson City station. I'll admit I was a bit nervous.

This page isn't what I wrote yesterday...I'll take an excerpt anyway. Isn't that how it works? I get to share what I want and hide the drivel. Or maybe it's all drivel...but it's MY drivel. So there.
This page was a wandering stream of thoughts, part of it says
"...passion surfaces occasionally
and gets pacified with
spilling like silky Darjeeling
over my mind..."
Lastly, here is the progress on my broccoli starts. They are doing fabulous, in their little window ledge. The bell peppers are struggling to sprout. I really need a warming mat to make it all work better but I'll keep mucking about with my seeds and pots and a sunny window ledge.
I continue to marvel at the power of a seed. A tiny thing that becomes so much food for us. I sat and stared at my wee broccoli sprouts and imagined the plant they will grow into, providing nutrition and satisfaction for our bodies. I really think there would be more happy people in the world if everyone just grew some food.:)

I really enjoy reading blogs about food (go figure). What I love is reading the recipes ;-)
Ya know, I thought about that after reading your blog post! I liked that you put the recipe up....maybe I'll come back and add that here. Good idea.
I tried to post this once before but my cable went down so if you get it twice, it's my fault.
I have put a trouble light in a wooden box and placed a cookie sheet over the top to put the seedling tray on. I don't know how safe it is but it worked for me.
Good luck! I have tomato plants in my window and the cherry plants already have flowers. The plants are only about 7 inches tall and it's too early to transplant. Feast or famine you know. Someday I'll find the middle ground.
I can't believe y'all are talking about starter plants in windows and it's a high of -3 here today with **another** blizzard due on Tuesday. I'm thinking spring as hard as my thinker can think, but it's not working! Guess I'll just add another log to the fire, and keep wearing my blanket toga-style. *sigh*
Marvelous start on your garden! But your broccoli is a bit "leggy", it's crying out to you for a bit more sunshine.
One trick you can do to check the legginess is to place them outside in full sun any time you can. Any temp above about 28 won't harm it a bit.
They might look leggier in the photos than they are...but they did start out a bit leggy. I started them in a less sunny window and then moved them to direct sunlight for most of the day. It's a perfect window and now they are filling out beautifully.
They got some "sea magic" for the first time and I've got another batch started to join them. The bell peppers haven't come up yet so I think that was a bomb. I'll try again this week.
I'll have to post another pic of them soon, they look so much better.:)
And thanks for the tip about temperature. I would have thought that too cold! Learning more every day.
". The bell peppers haven't come up yet so I think that was a bomb. I'll try again this week. "
Bell peppers are very warmish, they have to stay above about 70 degrees to germinate and it can take as long as three weeks (even more). They might be OK.
Actually, the anniversary of Mom's death is on Feb.5 but who wants to keep track anyway right? I wanted to blog about her too but my heart just doesn't seem to be into blogging lately. I love reading everything you've been doing. I wish you would blog this much all the time:) Love you!!
You know, I wasn't absolutely sure about the date but I thought I remembered it happening two days after Jalen's birthday. Ah's just another time I miss her more. Seems to come and go regardless of dates though.
you can also use a heating pad to help the sprouting along :)
Boring?! Oh no! There are definitely some inspiring food blogs out there and some great writing about food and baking.
I love your pastry shell with spinach and feta. I feel inspired just seeing the picture. Definitely something I can work with there. Not boring at all. Thanks for sharing!
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